General Litigation

These cases include wrongful foreclosure, improper consumer debt collection, refusal to transfer shares of stock, conversion (if someone took control of your property), intellectual property disputes, defective construction, probate, real estate, personal injury and business related lawsuits.

Over the last 20 years, we have helped many clients with all of the issues listed above, and many others. These cases require a careful review to ensure that prosecution of these claims is economically justified. We are happy to meet with you at no charge in order to determine whether the claim is one that you want to pursue and whether it makes economic sense to do so.

Many of these cases are quite challenging and it can be difficult to find an attorney that will help without a substantial down payment of funds.

If you aren’t sure whether you have a viable case, call us for a free consultation for more information. We will consider a contingent fee in appropriate cases (this means that our fee is paid out of a settlement or verdict, rather than “pay as you go” on an hourly basis).

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